政府 of Justice Faculty

The Department of 政府 of Justice has a distinguished faculty with varying research interests including comparative justice studies, 家庭暴力, 治安, 犯人重返, 种族与犯罪, 恐怖主义与理论. Faculty research provides students with an opportunity to examine recent developments on these and other contemporary justice..

Political Science Faculty

The Department of Political Science has an extraordinary faculty with a wide range of research and teaching interests. 他们很忠诚, not only to advancing the understanding of political processes, and to helping the students prepare to engage those processes, but also to expanding the realm of democratic politics through research, 教学和服务……..

城市规划 & Environmental Policy Faculty

The mission of our program is to train policy-oriented planners and environmental policy analysts for leadership positions in planning and environmental policy-related organizations, with special emphasis on issues of significance to the communities and regions of the Southwest. The goal of the program is to equip future professionals with analytical….