
Ph.D., York University
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Departments: 司法行政

Curriculum Vitae

David Baker is the Interim Chair and an Associate Professor in the 司法行政 Department at the Barbara Jordan- Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University; prior to he held academic appointments at the University of Toledo. He received his Ph.D. 加拿大多伦多约克大学社会学系.

Dr. 贝克是《网投比较靠谱的大平台》的编辑委员会成员, 《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》和《网投比较靠谱的大平台》. 他出版了两本书和几篇文章. 最近,他在《网投比较靠谱的大平台》上发表了文章, 题目是“两大洲的犯罪观:对犯罪观的探索性研究”, Criminals, Treatment, and Punishment”. About the same time, 他在《网投比较靠谱的大平台》上发表了《网投比较靠谱的大平台》.

Areas of Specialization:

Crime and the Media, Human Trafficking, Race, Social Control, Social Justice, Terrorism, White Collar Crime

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