Dr. Jeffery Lowe

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Rutgers University
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Departments: Urban Planning & Environmental Policy

Curriculum Vitae

Jeffrey S. 洛是德克萨斯南方大学芭芭拉·乔丹-米奇·利兰公共事务学院城市规划与环境政策副教授. He received his Ph.D. 罗格斯大学城市规划与政策发展硕士, The State University of New Jersey; a Master of City and Regional Planning from Morgan State University and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University. Lowe教授曾在哥伦比亚大学担任教职, University of Memphis, 佛罗里达州立大学和杰克逊州立大学, respectively. Also, 他曾担任顾问和研究员, 并担任美国规划协会规划和黑人社区部门的主席,在规划专业领域发挥了全国领导作用. 目前,Lowe教授是 大学规划学院协会有色人种兴趣小组的规划师.


communities of color. His scholarship, 其中包括几次会议演讲, reports, book chapters, and referred journal articles, advances understanding grounded in space and place and offers lessons and policy recommendations for revitalization efforts post-Hurricane Katrina; community development corporations; university-community partnerships; and philanthropic involvement in local community development activities. Lowe教授是《网投比较靠谱的大平台》一书的作者, 1980-2000 (Lexington Press 2006). 其他最近的出版物包括:“政策与政治:密西西比州卡特里娜飓风后低收入住房的修复”,” Housing Policy Debate 22:1 (2012):57-73; and, “失踪的新奥尔良:CDC部门在废弃和重建新月城方面的经验教训”(与Lisa K .合作). 《网投比较靠谱的大平台》(宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2012),由玛格丽特·杜瓦和琼·曼宁·托马斯编辑.

Areas of Specialization:

Housing and Community Development, Planning and Race, 社区发展组织的政治经济学, Public Philanthropy, University-Community Partnerships.

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