Welcome to the 世界语言计划


The 外语 Program promotes global awareness and intercultural understanding by providing instruction in various languages. We prepare majors and minors to function effectively in a foreign language by offering courses in literature, 文化, 语言学, and language for professional purposes. 学生 will not only develop their communicative skills, but they will also perform critical thinking and analysis, which will make them true citizens of the world.

A foreign language degree or minor will pave the way to careers in numerous fields, including:

  • International Business: US Representative in a foreign company, 国际银行家, 证券交易所经纪人, 交易员, International Relations Director, 对外出口经销商, 进出口代理,
  • Government: Border Patrol Agent, 海关检查员, 中央情报局特工, 联邦调查局特工, 移民特别代理人, 外交事务官员, 联合国, 欧盟, 和平队, 护照检查,
  • Education: Academic Exchange Specialist, Teacher, Instructor
  • Media: Film production, entertainment specialist, Foreign Media expert,
  • Travel: Flight attendant, travel agent
  • The Arts: author, curator, Import/Export art dealer, proofreader
  • Medicine: Public 健康 Service Officer
  • Social Work: social worker, counselor
  • Journalism/ Advertisement: Announcer, International Radio Broadcaster,
  • Translation: Court Interpreter, Medical Interpreter, translator

This website will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your foreign language education.


Dr. IM Lancaster-Lawson