Goalamali Owlia

Goalamali Owlia, Professor


  • Usage of Supplements to Improve performance among athletes
  • Aids awareness Among College 学生 in Nigeria and Iran.


Dr. Gholamali Owlia  is a tenured professor in the Department of 健康 and Kinesiology and 运动的研究, at 德克萨斯南方大学. Dr Owlia received his degree in Geology from University of Iran in 1975, and earned his Master of Science in Physical Education from 德克萨斯南方大学 in1978. Then six year degree in Special Physical Education From University of Connecticut in 1982. 双学位Ph.D in 运动生理学 and Adapted P.E from Texas Women’s University, 1982.

Dr. Owlia has been working with several universities in Iran to organize sport medicine field. He also has presented several seminars in Adapted PE, 运动生理学 , and Food and Nutrition in sports. Dr. Owlia is presently a member of editorial Journal of Medical Education in Shaheed Behshtiy Medical School in Iran.


  • Kines 502-改编PE
  • Kines 578- Motor Development
  • Kines 638- Advanced Ex Phy
  • Kines 832- 研究 Methods


  • 双学位.D Texas Women’s University
  • Six years degree University of Connecticut
  • Master degree 德克萨斯南方大学
  • Engineering degree University of Iran