签证程序 & 进入美国  开放
办理F-1学生签证  开放

这可能是 最重要的是当你在美国的时候请仔细阅读. It is your responsibility to know and obey F-1 regulations or face possible removal from the U.S.


维持你的地位, 每年春季和秋季学期, 本科生和研究生 must complete 12 hours and graduate students 9 hours at the graduate level. Note: Some degree programs may require more hours for academic reasons. 和你的部门核实一下. 达到你的全职要求, you may not take more than the equivalent of one class (three credit hours)per semester online. You are required to complete 12 hours for 2 summer session(s) or 6 hours if only for the second summer if the program start date on your I-20 is for the summer semester. You must receive the authorization before you drop or take below full-time hours. Please make an appointment to see an International Student Advisor BEFORE taking below full-time hours even if you are failing the class. A grade of “W” does not count toward your full-time requirement.

雇佣授权书 & 培训

Never work off-campus unless you have current authorization from an ISA or the DHS. You must either have authorization on page 2 of your I-20 or an employment authorization card (EAD) from the DHS. 所有校外就业都有一个开始和结束的日期. 必须在恢复工作之前进行续签. Even 1 day of work without authorization is a serious violation of U.S. 法律.

校内工作不需要授权, but you must maintain your full-time student status to be eligible. On-campus work is limited to no more than 20 hours per week during the fall and spring and may be full-time during the summer. 大多数在校学生的工作, 根据大学政策, 即使在夏天,每周也只能工作20个小时吗. You may not engage in on-campus employment after your completion of study.

这可能是 状态的变化可能通过以下两种方式之一受到影响:

  • An application for Change in Status submitted to the 国土安全部(DHS). 处理时间不同; 国土安全部可能需要2到9个月的时间来处理申请
  • 重新进入美国.S. 使用新的签证类型. The individual would be required to have a valid entry visa stamp and a visa document appropriate to the visa type s/he intends to establish with reentry.

这可能是 To change in status by submitting the application, follow next steps:

1. 学生需要:

  • 提供学术录取证明
  • 写请求信要有理由
  • 填写表格I-539
  • 提供经济支持证明
  • F-2’s need to prove their status by showing spouse’s marriage certificate, child’s birth certificate
  • 有效I-94的复印件 & 护照页面(年代)
  • I-901SEVIS收据(200美元费用)
  • 支票或汇款单370美元.00美元,开给美国.S. 国土安全部(注意-不要使用缩写USCIS或DHS.)

2. 获得一个新的I-20.g.,第3(e)项-其他:“将状态从__更改为F-1”). 学生和DSO都在I-20的底部签名

3. 邮寄所有文件(以挂号信寄回收据)至:

  • U.S. 邮政服务:USCIS P.O. 达拉斯660166号信箱,德克萨斯州75266号
  • 快件和快递:USCIS地址:I-539 2501 S. 121国道商业,400套房,刘易斯维尔,TX 75067

下载 变更状态检查表


这可能是 签证逾期居留发生在以下情况:

  • A student has failed to complete a program of study and has allowed his/her I-20 to expire
  • A student interrupts/ceases a program of study and fails to depart the U.S. immediately (break periods and summer vacation are not considered to be an interruption of studies).
  • A student has allowed the 60-day grace period to expire without having received a new I-20 to begin a new program of study, filed for work authorization or having submitted an application to DHS for a change of visa status.


非法的存在 will have an effect on future eligibility for entry into the United States:

  • 在美国非法居留的个人.S. for more than 180 continuous days but less than one year are barred from admission to the U.S. (under any visa type) for a period of 3 years from the date of departure.
  • 在美国非法居留的个人.S. 在一年或更长时间内被禁止进入美国.S. (任何类型的签证),有效期为10年.


It is important that students discuss legal status issues with an International Student Advisor. There are two ways in which a student may be able to regain legal F-1 status::

  • 向国土安全部提交恢复合法身份申请
  • 重新进入美国.S. 带着新的“初始录取”I-20.
  • 学生 who are reinstated by DHS or who reenter with an “initial admit” I-20 will be required to enroll as a full-time student for at least one academic year before becoming eligible to apply for off-campus work permission and/or curricular or optional practical training.
  • 下载 恢复检查表.