Sport Clubs are student ran organizations that are created with the purpose of furthering their common interest in activities through participation and competition. The interest can be competitive, recreational or instructional.

All active TSU Sport Clubs are registered campus organizations. Sports can also represent the university in intra-collegiate competitions and activities. Every student is given the opportunity to try out for, and be part of any club; however, if a student joins a club sport team, playing time is not guaranteed.

Membership in a club is free from discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic group, disability or national origin.

How to Register for a Sports Club

  • Meet with the Club Sports Coordinator if you plan to create a new club.
  • Complete and submit the Sports Club application to the office.
  • Register your organization with the Student Campus Organization department.
  • All new clubs must attend the mandatory Student Organization workshop.
  • Submit a roster of at least four additional members excluding the officers all must be current students who will participate in that particular sport) to the Club Sports office.
  • Attend all mandatory orientations and officer trainings.

Active Sport Clubs

  • Women’s Volleyball
  • Women’s Basketball
  • E-Sports
  • Tiger Sharks Swim Club
  • Men's Soccer

Club Sports Contacts

Club Sports Contacts
Sports Club President Email Address
E-Sports Aubrianna Peters
Women’s Basketball Choice Roberts
Women’s Volleyball Mary Oliver
Men’s Soccer TBD
Tiger Sharks (Swim) Lauriel Meshack-Hutching

Club Sports Forms