Dominic Thomas

Dominic Thomas, Assistant Professor

Primary Research Focus

  • 高等教育绩效基金
  • 对学生学习和发展的影响
  • 大学生的科技创新习得
  • 影响博士生学业成功的认知与非认知因素
  • 高等教育拨款

Professional Biography

Dr. Dominic Thomas   在德克萨斯南方大学从事教育工作超过13年,目前是教育学院教育管理和基础系的助理教授,拥有研究生资格. He earned his doctorate (Ed.D.在位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的德克萨斯南方大学攻读教育管理专业. He earned his master’s (M.A.)大众传播学学士学位(B.A.南方大学广播电视专业毕业&M in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Dr. 托马斯目前在该系教授四门博士课程,同时也是一名学术顾问, graduate recruiter, serves on various university, departmental, and College of Education Committees. 他还在主席不在时协助履行行政职责.

Additionally, his publications and research interests and include: Role of Educators: 对学生学习和发展的影响; Cultural Capital Efficacy in Parental and Student Aligned Expectations for Postsecondary Matriculation; Performance-Based Funding in Higher Education: An examination of the impact of performance-based funding on colleges and universities and the long-term effects; 大学生的科技创新习得: The Impact of Selected Demographic and Lifestyle Factors on Sexually Transmitted Infections Contracted Among College Students; and contributor to SC-135 Business and Professional Communication Course Supplement Workbook,(First edition).

Dr. Thomas’ awards and achievements span several years in various areas including Texas Southern University Inaugural Human Resources Shining Star Award (2018); Outstanding Professor and Service Award, City of Houston, (2017); Professor of the Year, Nomination, University Program Council (2015-2016); Outstanding Professor, Nomination, Department of Athletics (2015-2016); Teaching Excellence Award, School of Communication (2010); Outstanding Faculty Service, School of Communication (2009); Exceptional Service, 跨文化交际会议(2009),2010); and Outstanding Instructor, School of Communication (2008).

Doctoral Level Courses Taught

  • 教育学理论基础
  • 教育研究的性质和方法
  • EDHI-938社区学院课程开发
  • 社区大学学生 

Academic Degrees

  • Ed.D. 德克萨斯南方大学-教育管理(高等教育)
  • M.A. Southern University A&M – Mass Communication
  • B.A. Southern University A&M——广播电视