约鲁巴人T. Mutakabbir

约鲁巴人T. Mutakabbir, Associate Professor


  • Historically Black 大学 and Universities, race and university admissions, diversity.


  • Mutakabbir Y. (2018). Religious minority students at HBCUs. 在C语言中. 戴维斯,希尔顿,A. & Outten D. (Eds.), Underserved populations at historically Black
    colleges and universities: The pathway to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 翡翠.
  • Mutakabbir Y. & Nuriddin T. (2017). The on-campus experiences of Black Muslim males attending HBCUs: An exploratory study. 《网投比较靠谱的大平台》
    American Males in Education 6(2).
  • Mutakabbir Y. & Nuriddin T. (2016). Religious minority students in higher education. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
  • Mutakabbir Y. T. Closson R. B. & 亨利,W. J. (2015). More cream in the coffee: Diversity in the HBCU. 在D. 格林菲尔德(Eds.)、探讨…问题
    diversity within historically Black colleges and universities. 信息时代.
  • Mutakabbir Y. & 约翰逊,J. (2015). A Case Study Examining the Recruitment of Other Race 学生 to a Public HBCU. National Journal of Urban


  • EDHI-933 Introduction to the Study of Higher Education
  • EDHI-948 Strategic Management and Planning in Higher Education 


  • Ph.D. 克莱姆森大学
  • M.S. Georgia State University
  • B.A. 汉普顿大学